Nuclear Submarine Missing - A Russian Navy submarine carrying a bus-sized nuclear torpedo has been spotted in the Arctic after making headlines earlier this week amid fears of a nuclear test, according to new images released Wednesday.

Project 09852 Belgorod was seen operating on the surface in the Barents Sea on September 22 and September 27 near the Kola Peninsula, USNI contribution H. I Sutton for Naval.

Nuclear Submarine Missing

Nuclear Submarine Missing

Italian newspaper La Republica reported on Monday that European military commanders warned that the submarine had gone to the Kara Sea to test its Poseidon torpedo.

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Pentagon officials did not provide specific details about the Belgorod movement when contacted by the USNI earlier this week. However, a defense official completely downplayed the submarine's recent actions.

"I know this is not a satisfactory answer other than to say again that we have not changed our attitude."

The Poseidons, first revealed in 2015, are strategic nuclear weapons designed to bypass the growing capabilities of Western missile defenses.

The concept calls for an 80-foot nuclear-powered torpedo armed with a warhead of up to 100 megatons that could be launched thousands of miles from a shore launch.

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The explosion will "destroy the enemy's important economic structures in the coastal areas and cause responsible major damage to the country's territory, create large areas of radioactive contamination, make them unusable for military, economic or other activities for a long time," a translation of a Russian presentation taken by the BBC CCTV camera in 2015.

The ship, based on the Oscar-class guided submarine design, officially entered the Russian Navy in a ceremony in July, according to the USNI. Belgorod is part of Russia's specialized submarines, the General Directorate of Deep Sea Research, known by its Russian acronym, GUGI, (Glavnoye Upravleniye Glubokovodnykh Issledovaniy).

In addition to fielding up to six Poseidons, the 30,000-ton Belgorod serves as a mothership for smaller submarines used by Russia for deep-sea operations.

Nuclear Submarine Missing

The "Belgorod" submarine opens up new opportunities for Russia to conduct various researches, allows to carry out various scientific missions and rescue operations in the most remote areas of the world's oceans, said the head of the Russian Navy, Adm. Nikolai Anatolyevich Yevmenov. , in a statement in July.

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Reports say that North Korea fired a missile over Japan a few hours ago, and now the flagship of the Russian nuclear submarine with the "doomsday weapon" is "gone." An entire submarine disappeared in 2022.

NATO has reportedly warned its member states that the nuclear-powered submarine is not at its base in the White Sea, where it has been operating since July. Officials are now warning (fearmongering, accusatory) that Russia will use its Belgorod nuclear-powered submarine and its Poseidon weapon on doomsday.

A History Of Major Submarine Disasters

The Poseiden is a next-generation weapon system that features a drone that carries a nuclear bomb, with Italian media reporting that a 1,600-foot "radioactive tsunami" was the result of the doomsday weapon's use. The drone would drop the bomb to a depth of 1 kilometer near a coastal town, where a huge 1,600-foot wave would break the beach, irradiating it and the surrounding area, killing untold numbers of people in the process.

US officials are always ready to quote a "strategic intelligence expert" - oh, and apparently Rebecca Kofler, author of "Putin's Playbook" has said that Russia would only use these weapons as a last resort "if Russia and the US - are simply in a war of maneuver and Russia is far."

Sooo... what weapon would the much more advanced US military have in its arsenal? A rod from God. MKULTRA 2.0? Antimatter bombs. Because we all know the US isn't sitting there cowering over Russia without its own "doomsday weapon". Koffler added that the nuclear submarine's "doomsday weapon" would likely not be operational until 2027.

Nuclear Submarine Missing

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Anthony joined the team in 2010 and has since reviewed over 100 graphics cards. Anthony is a long time computer enthusiast with a hatred for games based around consoles. FPS games back before Earthquake where you got hurt if you pointed with your mouse, it's been addicted to games and hardware ever since. Working in an IT shop for 10 years has given him extensive experience with custom built computers. Reliance on GPU technology is unwavering.

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